Thursday, April 3, 2014

Photographer/Mom Pushes for More Ads To Feature Kids with Disabilities

Neal's tutor, Kathy Griffith, found this article and sent it to me.  It is a great story about a mom who is also a photographer.  She has 5 sons and 1 daughter.....her daughter has Down syndrome.  She wanted to celebrate her daughter and began taking photos of her.  She asked several businesses if they would use a child with a disability in their ads.  To her surprise and delight......they said yes!  Read the article , and then go to the website called Changing the Face of Beauty .  You will see lots of amazing photos of children with disabilities. 

“These people are part of our society and unfortunately, in the advertising and media world they’re kind of forgotten,” says Driscoll, of Palos Park, Ill., who emails companies and urges them to take a look.
“We are influenced by imagery,” she says. “The more people are exposed to individuals that might be deemed different, the more comfortable they will be and more opportunity will open up for all people living with a disability.”

Way to go Katie Driscoll -- You ROCK!!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, as usual! And the flowers are fabulous! I love the use of the Nodding Whites (Gooseneck Loostrife). It's a favorite of mine. Maleny Wedding Photographer
